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Rust API

Documentation for the rust api.


Generate a 24 english words mnemonic.

use signer::key_generate_mnemonic;

let mnemonic = key_generate_mnemonic().unwrap();
println!("{}", mnemonic);


Derive a child key from a mnemonic following a BIP44 path.

Arguments :

  • mnemonic: a string containing the words;
  • path: a BIP44 path;
  • password: for encrypted seed if none use an empty string (e.g "")
use signer::key_derive;
use bip39::{Mnemonic, MnemonicType, Language};

let mnemonic = Mnemonic::new(MnemonicType::Words12, Language::English);
let path = "m/44'/461'/0'/0/1";

let extended_key = key_derive(mnemonic.phrase(), path, "").unwrap();

println!("{:?}", extended_key);


Derive a child key from a seed following a BIP44 path.

Arguments :

  • seed: a seed;
  • path: a BIP44 path;
use signer::key_derive_from_seed;
use bip39::{Mnemonic, MnemonicType, Language, Seed};

let mnemonic = Mnemonic::new(MnemonicType::Words12, Language::English);
let path = "m/44'/461'/0'/0/1".to_string();

let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_phrase(&mnemonic.0, Language::English).unwrap();

let seed = Seed::new(&mnemonic, "");

let extended_key = key_derive_from_seed(seed.as_bytes(), path).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", extended_key);


Get extended private key from private key.


  • PrivateKey: A PrivateKey.
  • testnet: A boolean value that indicate if testnet (true) or mainnet (false);
use signer::{key_recover, PrivateKey};

let private_key = PrivateKey::try_from("8VcW07ADswS4BV2cxi5rnIadVsyTDDhY1NfDH19T8Uo=").unwrap();

let extended_key = key_recover(private_key, true).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", extended_key);


Serialize a transaction and return the CBOR equivalent.

Arguments :

  • transaction: a filecoin transaction;
use signer::transaction_serialize;
use signer::api::UnsignedMessageAPI;

const TRANSACTION: &str = r#"
"to": "t17uoq6tp427uzv7fztkbsnn64iwotfrristwpryy",
"from": "t1b4zd6ryj5dsnwda5jtjxj6ptkia5e35s52ox7ka",
"nonce": 1,
"value": "100000",
"gasprice": "2500",
"gaslimit": 25000,
"method": 0,
"params": ""

let message_user_api: UnsignedMessageAPI = serde_json::from_str(transaction).unwrap();

let cbor_transaction = transaction_serialize(message_user_api).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", cbor_transaction);


Parse a CBOR transaction into a filecoin transaction (signed or unsigned).


  • cbor_data: the CBOR transaction;
  • testnet: boolean value true if testnet or false for mainnet;
use signer::transaction_parse;
use signer::api::MessageTxAPI;

let cbor_data = hex::decode("885501fd1d0f4dfcd7e99afcb99a8326b7dc459d32c62855010f323f4709e8e4db0c1d4cd374f9f35201d26fb20144000186a0430009c41961a80040").unwrap();
let transaction = transaction_parse(&cbor_data, true).unwrap();

match transaction {
MessageTxAPI::UnsignedMessageAPI(unsigned_tx) => println!("To address in unsigned message : {}",,
MessageTxAPI::SignedMessageAPI(signed_tx) => println!("To address in signed message : {}",,


Sign a transaction and return a raw signature. Now support Secp256k1 signing (RSV format) and BLS signing. The type of signature chosen will be dictated by the protocol of the from field of the transaction.

e.g :

  • "t1b4zd6ryj5dsnwda5jtjxj6ptkia5e35s52ox7ka" is a protocol 1 address therefore transaction_sign_raw will attempt to the sign the transaction using Secp256k1.

  • "t3vxrizeiel2e2bxg3jhk62dlcutyc26fjnw6ua2sptu32dtjpwxbjawg666nqdngrkvvn45h7yb4qiya6ls7q" is a protocol 3 address. Here we will use BLS signing scheme.


  • transaction: a filecoin transaction;
  • privatekey: aPrivateKey (should be the associated private key of from address of the transaction);
use signer::{transaction_sign_raw, PrivateKey};
use signer::api::UnsignedMessageAPI;

const TRANSACTION: &str = r#"
"to": "t17uoq6tp427uzv7fztkbsnn64iwotfrristwpryy",
"from": "t1b4zd6ryj5dsnwda5jtjxj6ptkia5e35s52ox7ka",
"nonce": 1,
"value": "100000",
"gasprice": "2500",
"gaslimit": 25000,
"method": 0,
"params": ""

let message_user_api: UnsignedMessageAPI = serde_json::from_str(transaction).unwrap();

let private_key = PrivateKey::try_from("8VcW07ADswS4BV2cxi5rnIadVsyTDDhY1NfDH19T8Uo=").unwrap();

let raw_signature = transaction_sign_raw(&message_user_api, &private_key).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", raw_signature);


Sign a transaction and return a signed message (message + signature). Now support Secp256k1 signing (RSV format) and BLS signing. The type of signature chosen will be dictated by the protocol of the from field of the transaction.

e.g :

  • "t1b4zd6ryj5dsnwda5jtjxj6ptkia5e35s52ox7ka" is a protocol 1 address therefore transaction_sign_raw will attempt to the sign the transaction using Secp256k1.

  • "t3vxrizeiel2e2bxg3jhk62dlcutyc26fjnw6ua2sptu32dtjpwxbjawg666nqdngrkvvn45h7yb4qiya6ls7q" is a protocol 3 address. Here we will use BLS signing scheme.

pub struct SignedMessageAPI {
pub message: UnsignedMessageAPI,
pub signature: SignatureAPI,


  • transaction: a filecoin transaction;
  • privatekey: a PrivateKey (should match the address of the from field);
use signer::{transaction_sign, PrivateKey};
use signer::api::UnsignedMessageAPI;

const TRANSACTION: &str = r#"
"to": "t17uoq6tp427uzv7fztkbsnn64iwotfrristwpryy",
"from": "t1b4zd6ryj5dsnwda5jtjxj6ptkia5e35s52ox7ka",
"nonce": 1,
"value": "100000",
"gasprice": "2500",
"gaslimit": 25000,
"method": 0,
"params": ""

let message_user_api: UnsignedMessageAPI = serde_json::from_str(transaction).unwrap();

let private_key = PrivateKey::try_from("8VcW07ADswS4BV2cxi5rnIadVsyTDDhY1NfDH19T8Uo=").unwrap();

let raw_signature = transaction_sign(&message_user_api, &private_key).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", raw_signature);


Verify a signature. Return a boolean. Now support Secp256k1 and BLS scheme.

Arguments :

  • signature: RSV format signature;
  • CBOR transaction: the CBOR transaction;
use signer::{transaction_sign_raw, verify_signature};

let cbor_data = hex::decode("885501fd1d0f4dfcd7e99afcb99a8326b7dc459d32c62855010f323f4709e8e4db0c1d4cd374f9f35201d26fb20144000186a0430009c41961a80040").unwrap();

let private_key = PrivateKey::try_from("8VcW07ADswS4BV2cxi5rnIadVsyTDDhY1NfDH19T8Uo=".to_string()).unwrap();

const TRANSACTION: &str = r#"
"to": "t17uoq6tp427uzv7fztkbsnn64iwotfrristwpryy",
"from": "t1b4zd6ryj5dsnwda5jtjxj6ptkia5e35s52ox7ka",
"nonce": 1,
"value": "100000",
"gasprice": "2500",
"gaslimit": 25000,
"method": 0,
"params": ""

let message_user_api: UnsignedMessageAPI =

let mut signature = transaction_sign_raw(&message_user_api, &private_key).unwrap();

let result = verify_signature(&signature, &cbor_data).unwrap()

println!("{}", result);


Utilitary function to serialize parameters of a message. Return CBOR encoded bytes.


  • message_params: A MessageParams
use signer::serialize_params;

let constructor_params = serde_json::json!({
"signers": ["t1d2xrzcslx7xlbbylc5c3d5lvandqw4iwl6epxba", "t137sjdbgunloi7couiy4l5nc7pd6k2jmq32vizpy"],
"num_approvals_threshold": 1,
"unlock_duration": 0

let result = serialize_params(constructor_params_expected).unwrap()

println!("{}", result);


Utilitary function to deserialize parameters of a message. Return decode MessageParams.


  • params_b64_string: Base64 string of the encoded parameters;
  • actor_type: String defining the actor type (e.g "fil/1/multisig")
  • method: Method number that indicate the method the parameters has been encoded for.
use signer::deserialize_params;

let base64_params = "glUB/R0PTfzX6Zr8uZqDJrfcRZ0yxihVAR6vHIpLv+6whwsXRbH1dQNHC3EW".to_string();

let result = deserialize_params(base64_params, "fil/1/multisig", 7).unwrap()

println!("{}", result);


Utilitary function to deserialize specificaly constructor parameters. Return decode MessageParams.


  • params_b64_string: Base64 string of the encoded parameters;
  • code_cid: String defining the actor type (e.g "fil/1/multisig")
use signer::deserialize_constructor_params;

let base64_params = "glUB/R0PTfzX6Zr8uZqDJrfcRZ0yxihVAR6vHIpLv+6whwsXRbH1dQNHC3EW".to_string();

let result = deserialize_constructor_params(base64_params, "fil/1/multisig").unwrap()

println!("{}", result);

[DEPRECATED] create_multisig

Utilitary function to create a create multisig message. Return an unsigned message.


  • sender_address: A string address;
  • addresses: List of string addresses of the multisig;
  • value: Value to send on the multisig;
  • required: Number of required signatures required;
  • nonce: Nonce of the message;
  • duration: Duration of the multisig;
use signer::create_multisig;

let result = create_multisig(

println!("{}", result);

[DEPRECATED] proposal_multisig_message

Utilitary function to create a proposal multisig message. Return an unsigned message.


  • multisig_address: A string address;
  • to_address: A string address;
  • from_address: A string address;
  • amount: Amount of the transaction;
  • nonce: Nonce of the message;
  • gas_limit: The gas limit
  • gas_fee_cap: The gas fee cap
  • gas_premium: The gas premium
  • proposal_method: The proposal method
  • proposal_serialized_params: The proposal parameters serialized
use signer::proposal_multisig_message;

let result = proposal_multisig_message(

println!("{}", result);

[DEPRECATED] approve_multisig_message

Utilitary function to create an approve multisig message. Return an unsigned message.


  • multisig_address: A string address
  • message_id: message id
  • proposer_address: A string address
  • to_address: A string address
  • amount: Amount of the transaction
  • from_address: A string address
  • nonce: Nonce of the message
use signer::approve_multisig_message;

let result = approve_multisig_message(

println!("{}", result);

[DEPRECATED] cancel_multisig_message

Utilitary function to create a cancel multisig message. Return an unsigned message.


  • multisig_address: A string address
  • message_id: message id
  • proposer_address: A string address
  • to_address: A string address
  • amount: Amount of the transaction
  • from_address: A string address
  • nonce: Nonce of the message
use signer::cancel_multisig_message;

let result = cancel_multisig_message(

println!("{}", result);


Verify BLS aggragated signature.

Arguments :

  • signature: BLS aggregated signature;
  • CBOR transactions: An array of CBOR transactions to verify;
// sign 3 messages
let num_messages = 3;

let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64(12);

// generate private keys
let private_keys: Vec<_> = (0..num_messages)
.map(|_| bls_signatures::PrivateKey::generate(&mut rng))

// generate messages
let messages: Vec<UnsignedMessageAPI> = (0..num_messages)
.map(|i| {
//Prepare transaction
let bls_public_key = private_keys[i].public_key();
let bls_address = Address::new_bls(&bls_public_key.as_bytes()).unwrap();

UnsignedMessageAPI {
to: "t17uoq6tp427uzv7fztkbsnn64iwotfrristwpryy".to_string(),
from: bls_address.to_string(),
nonce: 1,
value: "100000".to_string(),
gas_price: "2500".to_string(),
gas_limit: 25000,
method: 0,
params: "".to_string(),

// sign messages
let sigs: Vec<bls_signatures::Signature>;
sigs = messages
.map(|(message, pk)| {
let private_key = PrivateKey::try_from(pk.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let raw_sig = transaction_sign_bls_raw(message, &private_key).unwrap();


// serialize messages
let cbor_messages: Vec<Vec<u8>>;
cbor_messages = messages
.map(|message| transaction_serialize(message).unwrap())

let aggregated_signature = bls_signatures::aggregate(&sigs).unwrap();

let sig = SignatureBLS::try_from(aggregated_signature.as_bytes()).unwrap();

assert!(verify_aggregated_signature(&sig, &cbor_messages[..]).unwrap());


Verify a voucher signature. Return a boolean. Now support Secp256k1 and BLS scheme.

Arguments :

  • voucher base64: Voucher base64;
  • signer address: The address string of the signer;
use signer::{verify_voucher_signature};

let voucher_base64_string = "i0MA8gcAAED2AAFEAAGGoACAWEIBayRmYQQCatrELBc2rwfu0jJk0EmVr+eVccDsThtM1ZVzkrC53a6qVgrgFkB8OHoiZSlNmW/nmCU7G2POhEeo2gE=".to_string();
let address_signer = "t1d2xrzcslx7xlbbylc5c3d5lvandqw4iwl6epxba".to_string();

let result = verify_voucher_signature(voucher_base64_string, address_signer).unwrap();

println!("{}", result);


Get CID hash of a signed message.

Arguments :

  • signed message: SignedMessageAPI object;
use signer::{get_cid};

let message = UnsignedMessageAPI {
to: "t17uoq6tp427uzv7fztkbsnn64iwotfrristwpryy".to_string(),
from: "t1d2xrzcslx7xlbbylc5c3d5lvandqw4iwl6epxba".to_string(),
nonce: 1,
value: "100000".to_string(),
gas_limit: 2500000,
gas_fee_cap: "1".to_string(),
gas_premium: "1".to_string(),
method: 0,
params: "".to_string(),
let signature = SignatureAPI{
sig_type: 1,
data: base64::decode("0wRrFJZFIVh8m0JD+f5C55YrxD6YAWtCXWYihrPTKdMfgMhYAy86MVhs43hSLXnV+47UReRIe8qFdHRJqFlreAE=".to_string()).unwrap(),

let signed_message_api = SignedMessageAPI { message, signature };

let cid = get_cid(signed_message_api).unwrap();

println!("{}", cid);