Zcash ledger, first connect:
- Address generation
- Sharing address with host
- Sharing IVK with host
participant LF as Ledger flash storage
participant LC as Ledger computation
participant H as Host
participant N as Network
H ->> LC: compute_address(path: u32)
activate LC
LC -->> LF: store_ivk(ivk) ?
Note over LF: potentially store (path, IVK)
LC ->> H: address: (diversifier, pk_d)
LC ->> H: incoming viewing key: ivk
deactivate LC
Note over H,LC: show address on both screens?
Zcash ledger, syncing
- Sharing IVK with host
- Decrypt incoming notes and verification note commitments
participant LF as Ledger flash storage
participant LC as Ledger computation
participant H as Host
participant N as Network
H ->> LC: get_ivk(path: u32)
activate LC
LC -->> LF: retrieve_ivk(oath) ?
LF -->> LC: ivk ?
Note over LC: compute_ivk(path)
LC ->> H: ivk
deactivate LC
activate H
H ->> N: get_unspend_notes()
N ->> H: [unspend_notes]
Note over H: [matching_notes] = decrypt_all_unspend_notes(ivk, [unspend_notes])
Note over H: store [matching_notes] (d, pk_d, v, rcm)
H -->> LC: decrypt_and_verify(ivk, [matching_notes])
deactivate H
activate LC
Note over H,LC: show validation on both screens?
LC -->> LF: [matching notes] ?
deactivate LC
Zcash ledger, make shielded transaction phase 1
- Verify outputs on screen
participant LF as Ledger flash storage
participant LC as Ledger computation
participant H as Host
participant N as Network
Note over H: show amount, address, memo-fields per output
Note over H: validate amount <= total_amount
H ->> LC: initiate_transaction()
activate LC
loop Every output note
H ->> LC: verify_output(d, pk_d, value, memo)
Note over H,LC: approve amount and address and verify on screens
Note over H,LC: approve hash of memo and verify on screens
LC ->> H: approval of output
LC ->> LF: store_output_data(d,pk_d,value,memo)
deactivate LC
Note over LC,H: continue if all approved
Zcash ledger, make shielded transaction phase 2
- Process outputs and store in flash
- Compute hash of all outputs
participant LF as Ledger flash storage
participant LC as Ledger computation
participant H as Host
participant N as Network
activate LC
loop Every output note
H ->> LC: make_transaction(path)
Note over LC: compute random rcm
LC ->> LF: update_rcmnew(rcm)
LF ->> LC: (d,pk_d,value)
Note over LC: compute value/note commitments
LC ->> LF: update_valuecommitsum(vc)
LC ->> LF: value/note commitments
LC ->> H: value/note commitments
LF ->> LC: d,pk_d, value, memo
Note over LC: compute eph, c_out, c_enc
LC ->> LF: eph, c_out, c_enc
LC ->> H: eph, c_out, c_enc
deactivate LC
activate H
H -->> LC: get_proof_key(path) #is this necessary?
LC -->> H: proof_key
Note over H: ZK proof of output note
H ->> LC: zk_proof
deactivate H
activate LC
LC ->> LF: zk_proof
Note over LC: perform shieldedoutput_hash
LC ->> H: shielded_output_hash
LC ->> LF: shielded_output_hash
deactivate LC
Zcash ledger, make shielded transaction phase 3
Process spends and store in flash
Store RCM values in flash
Compute hash of all outputs
participant LF as Ledger flash storage
participant LC as Ledger computation
participant H as Host
participant N as Network
loop Every spend note
H ->> LC: spend_this_note(path, valuecommit, rcm, anchor) # Do we need to verify here that rcm is correct? Is the zkproof of the spend the old one in the blockchain?
LC ->> LF: (path, valuecommit, anchor)
LC -->> H: proof_gen_key(path) ? #is this needed
activate LC
LC ->> LF: update_rcmvalue(rcm)
LC ->> LF: update_valuecommitsum(vc)
note over LC: compute nullifier
LC ->> H: nullifier
LC ->> LF: nullifier
note over LC: compute randomized verification key
LC ->> H: randomized verification key
LC ->> LF: (path, randomizer value, randomized verification key)
deactivate LC
Note over H: ZK proof of spend note
H ->> LC: zk_proof
LC ->> LF: zk_proof
Note over LC: perform shieldedspend_hash
LC ->> LF: shieldedspend_hash
LC ->> H: shieldedspend_hash
Zcash ledger, make shielded transaction phase 4
- Host gives all remaining transaction (meta) data
- Ledger does the complete TX_HASH_ALL
- Final approval of transaction?
- Ledger signs the necessary parts and shares with host
- Host sends transaction blob to network
participant LF as Ledger flash storage
participant LC as Ledger computation
participant H as Host
participant N as Network
H -->> N: retrieve meta_data from network?
N -->> H: meta_data
H ->> LC: meta_data transaction
LC ->> LF: meta_data transaction
Note over LC: compute valuebalance and commitment
LC ->> LF: valuebalance and commitment
Note over LF,LC: verify rcm_secretkey/publickey
Note over LF,LC: perform_tx_hash_all over all data in flash
LC ->> H: tx_hash_all
Note over LC,H: final verification/approval of tx before signing?
LC ->> H: sign(rcm_secretkey, tx_hash_all)
loop Every spend note
LF ->> LC: randomized value
Note over LC: get_secret_key(path)
Note over LC: sign(sk, randomized value, tx_hash_all)
LC ->> H: spend_auth_sign
Note over H: make raw transaction blob
H ->> N: raw_transaction_blob